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Navigating the Legal and Ethical Boundaries: NGOs and Counterterrorism Financing (Pt.2)

Disentangling Aid from Subterfuge: Strategic Approaches to Curtailing NGO Terror Financing


Within the humanitarian sector, the clandestine channeling of funds from NGOs to finance terror activities, notably by groups like Hamas, presents a critical dilemma. This sophisticated subversion of aid necessitates a discerning analysis, multi-pronged approaches, and the exploration of tangible solutions to combat this misuse.

Analysing the NGO-Terror Financing Problem 

The "Terrorists in Suits" report unravels the methodical manner in which NGOs have been co-opted by terror groups. For instance, a notable case involved a charity that, while purporting to promote agricultural development, was, in reality, directing funds to the families of incarcerated terrorists, contravening international AML/CTF standards.

Money donated to Universities (NGOs). Source: Reichman University (IDC Herzilya)

The Spectrum of Countermeasures 

Efforts to address this issue have ranged from legislative to financial action. For example, after the October 7 attacks, Switzerland's swift suspension of funding to certain NGOs set a precedent for preemptive measures. Furthermore, the European Union's scrutiny of NGO funding, particularly in the wake of The Telegraph's revelations, indicates a growing commitment to due diligence and transparency.

"We have notified the EU multiple times with our concerns about the language and affiliations of some NGOs receiving their aid" - Olfa Deutsch, NGO Monitor

Approaching Solutions: Critical Reflections and Recommendations 

Strategies to combat terror financing through NGOs must incorporate rigorous vetting, real-time financial monitoring, and the establishment of cross-border intelligence-sharing protocols. An example of effective practice includes the implementation of 'red flag' indicators by banks and financial institutions to identify suspicious transactions linked to high-risk regions.

Thoughtful Queries for Stakeholders 

Key questions arise: 

  • How can we ensure that aid reaches its intended beneficiaries without being diverted for terror financing? 

  • What mechanisms can enhance the accountability of NGOs operating in sensitive areas? 

  • How do donors balance the urgency of humanitarian aid with the need for security and compliance?

Recommendations for a Way Forward 

To navigate this complex issue, the following recommendations are put forward:

  1. Establish an international registry of verified NGOs, with a clear record of their activities and affiliations.

  2. Mandate independent audits for NGOs operating in high-risk zones to ensure financial integrity.

  3. Foster collaboration between international law enforcement agencies to trace and disrupt illicit financial flows.

Conclusion The misuse of NGOs in terror financing is not an intractable problem but requires concerted, informed action. By engaging in a sophisticated and systematic approach to NGO oversight, the international community can significantly reduce the risk of humanitarian aid being misappropriated by terror organisations like Hamas.

References and Further Reading

  1. "Terrorists in Suits" - A report that provides a detailed account of NGO exploitation for terror financing.

  2. The Telegraph's exposé - An investigative piece that highlights the problematic aspects of EU-funded NGOs. Bodkin, H. (2023) EU funding NGOs that praised ‘courage and sacrifice’ of Hamas terrorists, The Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group. Available at: (Accessed: 4 January 2024).

  3. Reuters insights on Hamas' financing - An article that offers a comprehensive look at the funding sources of Hamas.October 16 2023. Available at:,according%20to%20experts%20and%20officials. (Accessed: 4 January 2024).

  4. Monitor, N. (2023) Switzerland Suspends Funding to 11 NGOs after October 7 Hamas Massacre ". Available at: (Accessed: 4 January 2024).

  5. May, O. and Curwell, P. (2020) Terrorist Diversion: A Guide to Prevention and Detection for NGOs, Routledge & CRC Press. Routledge. Available at: (Accessed: 4 January 2024).



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